
* MovA is supported by Zurich School of arts (ZHdK) & Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), Institut Son Mouvement Interaction (ISMM), Ircam (Centre Pompidou), Motion Bank and the Little Heart Movement

The Movement Analysis Network ‘movA’ is a a space for reflection about research in/about moving, gesture, bodies and culture. The members come from diverse backgrounds, that include art, science, design and scholarship about the body in action. Mainly focused on stage- and interaction-based movements for artistic and design development, the group discusses fundamental issues of knowledge production, methodology, and research strategy. As a think-tank rather than a research group, movA exists as a floating platform with varying participation, locations and working methods.

Found out more on our website :

Meetings agenda

Analyising Movement Workshop 2017, Kienberg, Switzerland, 8. – 11. September 2017
This meeting was held as a retreat at the Kulturhaus Kienberg, in a small village in the Jura mountains near Basel.
See also Gesture Design webpage »

Analyising Movement Workshop 2018, Paris, IRCAM, 26. – 27. March 2018
This meeting was held in the heart of Paris at IRCAM.

movA Workshop 2019, Nantes, Stereolux, 15. – 17. April 2019
This meeting was held at Stereolux Art & Research Center in Nantes.

movA Workshop 2020, Mainz, Motionbank, 4. – 6. March 2020
This meeting was held at LUX pavillion of he Hochschule Mainz .

movA Workshop 2021, Biarritz, May/June 2021
This meeting will be held in conjunction with a meetiing by CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Dantzagunea and Dantzaz Elkartea (Guipozkoa, Spain).